آپ کو کوئی مسلہ درپش ہو۔ مثلا کاروبار میں بندیش۔ پسند کی شادی۔ ناقبلے علاج بیماری ہو تو آپ نیچے اسلامی فورم میں ہم سے پوچھ سکتے ہیں۔ ہمارے علامہ کرام قرآن و سنت کی روشنی میں آپ کے سوال کا جواب دیں گے۔ اس کی کوئی فیس نہیں ہے


The Name of  Allah

 In terms of statistics  are 66.259 mlfuzy statistics 'nature Supreme' ansratsy. amurdyn All property and world
Allah blessed name taaty right to dictate the meaning of all other personal names are the qualitative attributes of the real Lord Behalf of humanity are kumtujh. But all the names Allah and Holy Name of Jesus is comprehensive ...
The  name in Allah's special ability to remove disease. .. The name is alamraz Shaafa'i / healable Name of Allah 66 times abjdd data on a Chinese vessel with saffron and honey to wash down and be served if the patient Receives health
2.achieving aries in time for the growing Sunday name Allah raise Libra shape Map to get a gold ring and worn 66 times by Allah tail Be so in respect of wealth and fame increases ...
3. Name of Allah be read daily with punctuality
4.1000 counts the ranks of Allaah and His Mercy month at the terror and thus makes ...
5 .66 counts after every prayer and blessing to read all the issues get help from the unseen is due to meet. healing for old diseases juice Rose. saffron white paper from water and feed solution is useful. all kinds of fever, especially if cold is very useful for this ..
6 .. driven to madness. which removes etc. for the blank soil with posnet in the name Allah can write as much water going to write 'river' Etc. read the water driven to madness by most of the hate driven to madness awake away.
7.... if anyone sees that specific time when driven to madness/evilspirts just before her on both hthlyun saffron and rose juice Allah ordain. And 66 counts on both ears and mouth nthun Holy Name of Allah, if driven to madness/evilspirts tail will leave his life ...
7 ..If you are facing any need for it 3125 counts daily business name of Allah written and wrapped in flour as small tablets or river Add fresh water where the fish if need ansaallh 40 cals days will be fulfilled ..


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